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Acarina, the Acarinans (ah-cah-REE-nuh)

A holding of the Atriarians, the fifth of nine planets in the Crenn system, it is small with a sparse atmosphere and no surface water give it a barely livable ecosystem. The presesence of various algaes and lichens make the surface a blue-green color. Some of these growths have medicinal purposes and are harvested for this use. It is also the home of the Acarinan Tumbleweed, which is actually a ball-like formation of algaes that blow about in the thin, windy air.

The Atriarian religion teaches that their "Sleeping Goddess" Tip'q'tas (Tip-uh-KWA-tus), for whom their home system is named, had three daughters, each representing one of the three castes in their society. Each of them had a daughter by mortal means, though the myths are hesitant to say that they debased themselves by sleeping with mere males. Daughter of the Warrior Prime goddess Crenn, Acarina was said to be second only to her grandmother in sheer power and only to her cousin Acarides in sheer courage. She is, however, second to none is sheer cunning, guile and gall. Being the most intelligent of the three demigoddesses, she used that intelligence to good effect in outsmarting her foes even when she was capable of outfighting them. She is also the most daring of the three granddaughters, for it was one of her pranks that angered Tip'q'tas and made her threaten to destroy the half-breed offspring of her daughters. The legends disagree about the exact nature of that prank, though most suggest that it awakened the sleeping goddess which is what angered her.