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"Skental" by Jason Fowler.

This is Corona Galaxy!

Welcome to a totally new concept in science fiction gaming! For years there have been role-playing, board warfare and empire building games. For the first time, Corona Galaxy combines all three into one dice-and-paper gaming platform. Play in one, two or all three levels based on your own interests. You may even find yourself growing as a gamer into areas you never imagined you would be playing!

Corona Galaxy is a work in progress and it always will be. We will be adding supplemental material every week and even asking you, the user, for input on the game. As of this writing, we are still working on elements of the game and will be adding them as they are ready. We will be adding a Users' Forum which will be open 24-7 for your feedback, answers to your questions and clarifications of the rules. In addition, artists, storytellers, musicians, even gamers are welcome to submit material for addition to the official game and supplemental material.


What's New

New scenarios, ship designs, alien races and their home worlds, rule changes, art and stories may be added at any time. This area will list the most recent additions, newest first. A new packet of supplemental material will be added by at least Monday morning (Pacific time) every week, but new stuff may pop up at any time so check back often!

1-17-10: Minor edits to Acarides(Atlas), Renn(Atlas) and Caveat, Minor edits and new artwork for Acarina(Atlas), added Lagrange Points in the Coronapedia.

1-18-10: Minor edits to Acarina(Atlas) and Atlas main page, new artwork for Aimee(Atlas).